Saturday, July 12, 2014


The boys have been poster children for "brothers" this month. I don't know if Damon is coming fully into his role of "little brother" or what, but there are screams emenating from our home daily. Not all of them are from the kids.

Damon has learned by now exactly what buttons he can push to maximize his brother's rage. What I can't understand is the reasoning behind wanting to. I have the head knowledge enough to know that kids want attention, whether it be positive or negative. What I can't figure out is why don't they learn faster that positive is so much better than negative. Why in the world would you want to hear Liam, red-faced and fisted, screaming and making ugly faces at you? Over a LEGO? Why? More like


How pitiful that that's the largest font I can get. Bah.

Anyway, there have been some pretty hilarious moments between them too. Damon adores watermelon. Apparently, he also loves touching Liam post-watermelon-consumption. I'm in the kitchen and I hear Liam holler (this time while laughing), "Get your watermelony fingers outta my hair!"

Totally cracked me up. Liam has a crew cut. His hair is about the same length as his eyelashes. Why Damon thought it'd be a good idea to come caress Liam with sticky watermelon fingers is beyond me, but it's sure become a catch phrase around here.

Get your watermelony fingers outta my hair!

Is watermelony even a word? I guess it is now. Brought to you by Liam, the one who coined "flowerful".

May you have a watermelony weekend.